Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Stercus vs. the proverbial fan

In the grips of yet another insomniacal/typing binge. This week, the stercus has hit the fan - received comments from my thesis advisor on what I've done thus far on that much ballyhoed document, and, as always, it appears that I'll be working on Ms. Thetis until the last possible minute - she's gonna fill the time and then some. I was a bit complacent before, thinking that I had a pretty solid document, when in fact there are some sizeable holes in it. I feel like I've been climbing a mountain for some time now, feeling good about the progress of it and thinking that I'm not too far from the summit. All of the sudden, the clouds clear and there's a lot farther to go than I had anticipated. Meanwhile, I look over my shoulder and the sun's beginning to set (i.e. I defend Thetis in 9 short days!). As Eminem once said, "you better MOVE!"

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