Monday, April 11, 2005

The Days of April

Ahhhh, the days of April. How grand they have been. Quick summary of the past few days - Wednesday, thanks to my cheerful roommate Keli and my professor and thesis committee member Leila Harris giving me loads of useful suggestions on Thetis (my nickname for my thesis), I feel really good about where that document is. It's pretty well cleaned up and feels just about ready to go.
Put in the dock today in our backyard, with the help of our friendly and enterprising neighbors upstairs. So the backyard is that much nicer now. We also went to see the play called "Cementville," which was really funny, and had a drink at Le Tigre lounge, a bar that is decorated completely in tiger stuff where we overheard a conversation between two middle aged women and learned about California's auto insurance laws. Interesting...
Bought my plane ticket to get me to Chicago for the flight to Bangkok as well. But this is complicated, so read carefully - I saved $30 by flying FAR (Fargo) - ORD (Ohare) - MDD (Madison) rather than flying only FAR - ORD. Same flights and everything. I don't get it. I just don't. But it works well for me, as I have a place to stay in the MAD and can easily take the VanGalder bus down there. Good times are ahead. Hail progress!

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