Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Haru has arrived...

Yeah, it's spring in Mad town. Hung out at the terrace today and watched the ice's final stand on Lake Mendota (It's been gone from Lake Monona for a few days now), the high was 77 degrees farenheit or about 24 degrees Celcius, the girls were wearing shorts, and baseball has started - the Twins are 1-1. Bought a couple of books today for my reading pleasure during the 20 hours of flight that is coming far sooner than I realize - Guns, Germs and Steel by Jared Diamond (Geographer that he is...) and some sort of novel about Mexican people crossing the border without documentation (or as the right wing media would say, illegally.) I also saw in the Cap. Times (our Madison newspaper) today that viglante groups are running their own border patrols in Arizona and really causing trouble for the real Border Patrol by setting off all of their motion sensors. Plus, they're all strappin' pistols on their sides to bust any 'terrorists' whom they encounter. Like I say about Arizona, redneck ranchers abound...

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