Friday, March 11, 2005

Thesis, Mother of Achilles

Or is it Thetis? Whatever - either way, it's a mother! The night before last, woke up at 2 am to make the paper (or what I had of it) a little bit less embarrasing for when I handed it to Dr. Robert J. Kaiser, my advisor, yesterday. After handing him the 25 pages (not including a two page index and five page bibliography) that I've written thus far, we discussed dates for making things happen, and 22 April has been tenatively tagged as a date when I'll be defending the mother. So pretty exciting - light at the end of the tunnel is in plain view.

In other news, but also around academic lines, the seminar on Tuesday on Migration and Citizenship, lead by Madeline Wong, was a good one. We discussed Geographical Scale and the politics of it, which is what the above mentioned Thesis is all about. I was naturally asked to expound on the subject a fair bit, which I did. It was heartening that the people in the class, most of whom were non-geographers, found the concept useful and interesting. I also got some names of theorists in Sociology who work on something that they call "framing," which is very similar. So it's good to know that people in other disciplines find this stuff useful, which means I'm not completely wasting my time on this stuff. Hail progress!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

right on. Right the '''' on, man!