Monday, March 14, 2005

April 22 - T-Day

After a rather relaxing weekend (likely one of the last to which I'll be able to apply that adjective in quite some time) I feel as if I really should've done more, as deadlines are looming big.
Saturday consisted of, well, relaxing and dinner with my roommate India, DeBauchery, Nate ( another Geog. grad student, a man with the best temperment anyone could ever hope for) and Erica (Nate's fiance.) India made a nice stew with some sort of name I forget. Sunday had me watching the Badgers lose to Illinois (d'oh!) , and doing a massive load of laundry.
However, the real big news is that Thesis defense date is now official - 22 April. Scary! Lots of work to do before then. However, good to have a date set. Much to do between now and then, and I really hope that I can find a sublettor soon to get that worry out of my head to allow me to just focus on April 22 and that which goes with it. And so it goes. I anticipate high amounts of caffein consumption in the days and weeks to come. God help me! Hail progress!

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