Wednesday, May 25, 2005

two hours hence

So in about two hours I'll be on the Van Galder Bus to Orchard Field, which is now known as O'Hare International Airport. Wow...
Getting to Madison when as smooth as could be expected. Ma and Pa drove me to Fargo, where I was left with the very soon to be married Josh Hochgraber, my old friend and travel partner, and his bride to be, Amy. Following that, spent the evening at cousin Lane's house, where a vomiting girl who had been partying quite hard made sleep an impossibility. And so it goes. Walking through Madison in a sleep-deprived state is the way I've spent a significant portion of my time here, isn't it?
Lane was kind enough to drive me to the airport, and I learned that all people on one-way flights are given full examinations by security, which is interesting.
Today in the MAD, I tied up some loose ends, had some ice cream and a beer on the terrace, saw the star of the morning, and said more goodbyes.
One interesting thing about this trip is that Bangkok is 12 hours ahead of Central Daylight Time, which means that I won't even have to adjust my watch. And since the flight leaves at 11:35 from ORD, if I go to sleep on the plane at that point in time, I'll already be adjusted to the Bangkok time, which could be nice. The only problem is that I don't sleep well on planes. Perhaps this all-nighter and some Tylenol PM will do the trick.
It's coming soon! Hail progress!

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