Tuesday, May 03, 2005


What to report today...
Last night, my ever-resourceful roommate Keli cooked us all a lovely taco dinner. India made some high-quality daquaries. It was excellent.
A really weird hail/snow type pellet form fell yesterday as well. You can see them in India's hair and on the picnic table in the picuture on here. However, a rainbow followed, so all was not bad.
Today, I've received word from my advisor that he will approve of my plan to delay the thesis writing, which feels good.
I also gave my presentation in Geography 503, my Qualitative Methods class with the great Marxist Geographer in the lead, Dr. J.A. Peck. It was our final meeting, and for some of the people in our class, their final class ever. My presentation wasn't particularly good, as I didn't prepare it until about 10 minutes prior to class, but good enough for me! I'm going to miss that class - probably the most interesting class I've had here yet.
My 901 Seminar Class, which is taught by the burgeoning migration geographer and my committee member Dr. Madeleine Wong, is coming to party at my house tomorrow afternoon. I have to give another presentation which I won't prepare more than five minutes for. But it's not a big deal - it's all related to Thetis, so I can talk about it in my sleep, which I probably do from time to time.
Nothing due in any class until next monday, but I need to get some work done tomorrow night on RD Sack's paper. Other than that, over and out. Hail progress!

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