Monday, May 23, 2005

Dakota Departure

As I type, I'm in my last full day in Dakota, my homeland. It's been a pleasant day, with friends and family coming by the house to wish me well and such. And the weather couldn't have been better. In addition, got to watch the Twins win a thriller over the Brewers in extra innnings. So a good day all around.

What are my feelings? I'm already beginning to miss Dakota, as my restful time here has been just what I needed and the time with family has been pleasant. I'm just not getting too excited for Thailand yet, and I'm not sure why, as I really should be. All I'm feeling is a bit of dread for the 19-20 hours I'll be spending on airplanes. Perhaps it's all because I've done this before and it's not too big of a deal for me. Or perhaps the burnout of finishing the semester has squashed all excitement. I'm not sure. But perhaps it will hit once I arrive. Or once I hit the airport. Or maybe it will be the first mango I consume. I'm not sure, but I know it will be there.

Ma and Pa Luebke (God bless them) drive me to Fargo following their return from work, and then they will drive all the way back to Bismarck that same night - that's 6 hours in the car, following a full day of work with another full day of work to follow their return. If I didn't appreciate this act, as I have appreciated their other acts such as helping me pack up and moving me all the way back from Madison, well, I wouldn't appreciate anything. And I really do appreciate them and could never repay all that they've done for me.
Need some rest, as I must finish packing and do some other errands and the like. Hail progress!

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