Friday, March 04, 2005

Only in Wisconsin...

Following work at the Arthur H. Robinson (may peace be upon him) Map Library today, I made a beeline for Madison's horrible yet interesting East Towne Mall. Why would a hater of ubiquity , suburbia, and yuppie commerce like me head for such a ubiquitos, suburban, and yuppie-commercial place such as the East Towne Mall, you ask? Two words: Colossal Colon! That's right - in an effort to raise awareness about colon cancer, some agency from the UW has made a mammoth plastic model of a colon, showing polyps, hemmoroids (sp?), and all sorts of unpleasant things in a three foot diameter and 50 foot long plastic colon that children can crawl through. I read about it last night on, and decided that it was too bizarre to not go and take a few photos. So I did. And now, perhaps finally, I can say that I've seen it all.

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