Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Insomnia - my only enemy, my only friend

The Insomniacal binge, fueled by a day of non-stop tea drinking and a long afternoon nap both aimed at keeping in check a rather nasty cold which kept me from work and class today (er, yesterday now, I guess,) continues to rampage like a bull through the streets of Pampalona without any foreseeable end. As the writings of my professor, geographical philosopher, and enemy of all things postmodern, Dr. Robert D. Sack, regarding the importance of perspective in place making have failed to hold my zombie-like attention for more than three pages, I thought that I would post more musings here before trying to salvage an hour or two of sleep prior to my alarm clock's imminent eruption at 8 am.
As yet another Feb. 14, known as St. Valentine's Day to some and as Black Monday (or whatever day of the week it happens to fall on that year) to me and several like-minded and highly moral individuals has passed into the annals of V Day (not to be confused with the day that Japan surrendered in WWII) history, I look back on it with mixed emotion. I am displeased to have been ill and missed what is certain to have been a great seminar in my Qualitative Research methods class, led by the noted Marxist geographer Dr. Jamie Peck with guest lecturer and urban Pacific Rim geographer Dr. Kris Olds discussing his research. However, by not setting foot outside of my apartment on that most evil of card and flower company contrived "holiday," as far as my perspective is concerned, (see above reference to the writings of one R.D. Sack) it didn't even exist in the place that is my apartment, which is a true blessing. Like Brett Michaels and the rest of that great 1980's hair band Poison said, "every rose has its thorn." Or perhaps every cloud having its silver lining is more appropriate in this case.

A completely sleepless night and the subsequent misery bourne of sleep deprivation that is certain to follow me throughout the day tomorrow has gone from likely to probable. The battle must continue.

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