Thursday, May 17, 2007

With an achin' in my heart

Well, my tomodachi, I have only about four days left in Thailand. I am very sad about this, as these two years, despite a few unsightly happenings, have been about as good as I could've hoped for. I am going to miss a lot of things here, and a lot of people here (although there will be a few things I won't miss, such as the traffic and the way people walk.)
I'm looking forward to having four days in Hong Kong. However, that is overshadowed by a deep sense of dread. I'm dreading the Re-entry Blues (which most people call "reverse culture shock,") which I know will be stifling for several months to come,. (See my posting from May 9, 2006, for a full explanation of the Re-entry Blues.) At the same time, I am excited to hang out with my brother, excited to dive into the Bay Area, which I'm sure I will enjoy once the re-entry blues are overcome, and excited for all of that baseball. As Robert Plant once said, "standing on a hill in my mountain of dreams, tellin' myself it's not as hard as it seems." That encapsulates my mood right now.

Yes, I'm goin' to California (cue the Led Zeppelin.) Since Cali is not the East, and about as far from the East as can be, this blog needs to undergo a name change. So, since I am a huge Neil Young fan, I've decided to re-name it for what may be my least-favorite Neil Young song: "After the Gold Rush." Perhaps it's a fitting name for what will soon be a Bay Area-based blog, as that was the ultimate destination of the Gold Rush in the 1840's and 50's. I think so, anyway, and it's my blog, so that's all that really counts, right? If not, any other suggestions out there?

So, this blog is hereby renamed. May progress be hailed!

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