Friday, June 02, 2006


Well, it's official. My thesis has been deposited, and all is done. All i's dotted, all t's crossed. Good times! Thank you India. Oh, and I have a new computer as well. Thanks, pops!
I've been confronted by some of my readers about my use of the name "Dakota" when I refer to my home state, rather than the official "North Dakota." Allow me to explain. I believe that North Dakota should drop the "North" and only be known as "Dakota." I believe this would enhance the status of my beloved home state. South Dakota would then appear to be our outpost or suburb, the periphery, with the northern part being the true heartland, the center. The small Pacific Island country of Samoa dropped "Western" from their name in 1997, and has had few problems with this. Plus, Dakota just has a better ring to it - look how many people are naming their kids as such.

Those who disagree claim that this would be too expensive - changing all of the signs, maps, cars, and so on would indeed be costly. However, most of these changes could be grandfathered in over time.

Hail progress!


Anonymous said...

This, coming froma guy who has nicknamed himself "The Dude."

The Dude said...

I did not nickname myself that. My Irish friend, Tom Hall, started calling me it when I was in Japan. Look at some of my very first postings, where it is all explained...

Anonymous said...

Sure thing you Big Weirdo.

The Dude said...

And this coming from a guy (or woman, perhaps) too chicken to write their own name. Very classy...

Anonymous said...

Why don't yo go shave your head and cool off for a while?

Anonymous said...

I agree with "the dude" I think this other anonymous person just doesnt know what the heck hes talking about...either that or hes just cocky as heck

Anonymous said...

Im likin your blog "dude" ...its interesting, but fun to read